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Barbara Rosga

Barbara Rosga

Barbara Rosga has always been passionate about supporting older youth who have not grown up with a traditional family structure.

My heart goes out to the young men at One Hope United’s Rebound program, who have to support themselves at age 18. These young men are important, and they deserve a chance. We can help them get an education and provide the structure they need. What a miracle to be able to guide them and support them on their journey to becoming responsible and fulfilled adults.

- Barbara Rosga, One Hope United's Scofield-Gibbs Society member

Barbara is a member of One Hope United's Scofield-Gibbs Society, and she has given generously to OHU's Rebound and Home Visiting programs for many years. When Barbara reflects on the struggles her own family faced throughout her childhood, she remembers that even during challenging times, she and her three older brothers always had the love and support of their mother to fall back on. When Barbara thinks of the young men at Rebound, she thinks of her older brothers. "My brothers had a strong family connection, and all of the resources they needed to succeed. The young men at Rebound deserve that, too. They deserve everything we can give them."

After living most of her life in Chicago, Barbara recently moved to Michigan, where she is enjoying retirement. She began her career as a billing clerk, but she "never dreamed" of the success she would eventually find, rising to Vice President at a major advertising company. "Now I have enough resources to share," Barbara said. "I get a lot of satisfaction from sharing with others."

Barbara is also an avid traveler. One day, while walking back to her office over lunch, Barbara noticed a poster hanging in a travel agency's window, advertising a trip around the world. She brought the flyer home and asked if her mother would like to join her on her first-ever trip around the world. Since then, Barbara has visited 128 countries, been around the world three times, and visited all continents and states in the U.S. A few of her favorite travel experiences include going on safari in Southern Africa, and walking the streets of Petra, an ancient city in Jordan. She believes "experiences are the best investments you can make. Traveling is a wonderful way to spend your time."

After Barbara retired, she was recommended to serve on One Hope United's Board of Directors by a close friend, John Dawson, from her church, North Shore Baptist Church. She and North Shore have partnered as donors with matching gifts from their foundation. Joyce Heneberry, Planned Giving Officer with One Hope United, shared, "Barbara's interest in serving older youth in care, a group that is often overlooked by other people and by society, speaks to her character. I hope she feels proud of the impact she has made with One Hope United."

Barbara celebrated her 90th birthday on November 16. Her humble spirit and passion for supporting the youth in One Hope United's care continues to inspire members of the One Hope United community.

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